Amy Miller: helping clients through transition is her specialty.
On a day much like any other, Amy Miller stepped into a room filled with people. She was supposed to be attending a meeting on faith. Instead, the air swam with chatter from medical professionals and career strategists. She pivoted and joined in the networking – deciding to make lemonade from these lemons. A few conversations, phone calls, and brainstorming sessions later, and Our Family Encounter emerged.
Amy Miller, already 22 years into her career, speaks with the fervor and effortlessness of a seasoned speaker. Working in dispute resolutions for a Fortune 500 company served her well, as the skills she gained certainly suits her current clientele– she’s a brilliant conversationalist.
And it’s the conversations Miller Mediation and Solution are having with their clients that Amy’s so proud of. “When mom or dad isn’t able to live at home anymore, it’s a hard conversation for them to have, for the kids to have, just for everyone involved. No one wants to put their family in assisted living, but sometimes it’s the right decision.” Amy doesn’t enjoy these conversations either, but with the implementation of her communication and safety plans, she’s witnessed success for both the older client and their families.
Our Family Encounter serviceably operates as a middle-man between the senior, their family, and the medical professionals. They offer a range of services, from facilitating conversations around moving, health, and other concerns, to simply creating a schedule for care. The business has recently expanded with the addition of contracted social workers, tech experts, and medical professionals.
Amy hopes to further expand to help more and more families. She’s excited about the partnerships and friendships she made in her recent Small Business Essentials course at WomenVenture. “These are women who inspired me to do what I do. They uplift me, inspire me, and help to bolster my business.” She said. “I’m grateful for the skills I’ve honed, but it’s the people that have really changed my life, and my business.”
You can start a conversation with Amy and Our Family Encounter online.